The Woodlands, Texas, United States– Today, Protio announced the addition of General Stanley McChrystal (Ret.) as Protio’s Strategic Advisor.
“We are pleased to announce Gen. McChrystal’s (Ret.) appointment as a Strategic Advisor,” said Shaun Kizewski, CEO of Protio. “Stan brings a level of expertise and experience that is unrivaled, and we look forward to working with him in Protio’s next stage. I would personally like to thank and welcome Stan to our board.”
With the announcement, Gen. McChrystal (Ret.) said, “I am pleased to join Protio as Strategic Advisor. I would like to thank Shaun and the Protio team for this opportunity.” McChrystal continued, “Hydrogen based steel and chemicals will occupy a central place in the current and future energy transition. These are exciting times in energy transition, and I am happy to play a positive role in bettering the planet while creating a sustainable path forward for future generations.”
Matthew Russell, VP of Business Development, explained, “Gen. McChrystal’s current work operates at a unique intersection of teaching and applying service-leadership, decision-making, and adaptability. He dedicates his efforts to helping others tackle and reduce complexity, which is one key skill set required of successful businesses in an increasingly complex world. Additionally, we are entering a unique, once-in-a-century moment; with Stan’s addition to Protio’s Strategic Advisory Board, we hope to be at the forefront of this growth opportunity.”
Protio’s mission is to transform the world’s hydrogen supply to achieve net zero, to positively impact the environment, and help both industry and communities decarbonize while reducing their impact on climate change.
Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s biography can be found here.
For more information, please visit Protio’s website here or contact Info@Protio.Green.